This is not a story so much as a plea. A chance for me to share my hope for a brighter day. More specifically this is a time to say, “remember the brighter days, and do it out loud.” Tomorrow more snow might come, but today there is no snow. All I am asking is that you mention the good times while they happen.
Yes it is cold. Pretty cold really, but nothing a hat and some gloves cannot handle. It’s going to rain or snow tomorrow, but it is sunny today. And let us remember, rain and snow are helpful to we Earth dwellers, the water literally keeps us alive. The little plants in the backyard need it, I’d bet the big farms are glad for it too. Precipitation is a good thing.
All day long all I’ve heard from my coworkers is that the snow is coming, followed by speculation of how long this current scourge will stay with us. It’s more than annoying, I’m disappointed.
Yesterday and the day before were sunny brisk days with cotton ball clouds. The kind of day that makes me long to be a park ranger and roam the woodland tracking some large game. (Certainly, I would need a good jacket, hat, scarf, gloves, boots, and maybe a flannel shirt). I only get that feeling a few times a year and mostly I am grateful for climate controlled buildings. But yesterday was a day to run free and feel the burn in your lungs. I would have settled for reading a book on a park bench but I have responsibilities that keep me inside listening to my coworkers gripe.
And did any of them mention the great weather while it was nice? Phrases like, “you couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.” Or “dial up more like this for the whole week.” Sadly, no such phrases were spoken. They already felt threatened by the possible cold front moving in, bringing with it life giving water from the sky.
All I’m saying is this. If you’re going to complain about the weather you don’t like you can atleast give a little air time to the days you do like. Let me know what you enjoy so I can dial up a good one for you tomorrow.
preach on, wise Amish Viking.