Many people would like to know more about fitness from the Amish perspective. One thing the internet is lacking in is Amish fitness tips from an informed practitioner.
The Amish on the whole have a healthy way of life. Most of their day could be considered a fitness routine. I have chosen to narrow it down to activities you can do at home whether your home is in the city, suburbs, or charming college town. Here are three ideas from the farm that have kept the Amish svelte for years: walking, bailing, and persuading.
Walk. Nearly everywhere, nearly every time, walk. This one is quick and straight forward. When going to visit a friend, walk. When getting groceries, walk. When doing just about any activity just about any time, walk.
Next is bailing. The Amish can bail some hay. To do this in your home takes some imagination as I assume you do not have a field of hay that it waiting to be bailed and stacked. But I have thought of a viable substitution. You need a large cumbersome suitcase filled with heavy clothes (think jeans and big sweaters).
Now put the suitcase at the foot of the bed on the floor. Using good lifting technique, lift the suitcase up onto the bed. Now place the suitcase back on the floor. Lift again, this time tossing it to the center of the bed. Back to the floor. The third time, heave the suitcase to the head of the bed. Begin this activity when the sun rises and end when you can no longer stand. Repeat tomorrow. Continue bailing for a minimum of 3 weeks.
The final Amish fitness tip is the action of persuading. Picture, if you will, a mule that no longer wants to do his chores or a cow that will not go through the correct gate. Persuading livestock to follow your will is a full body workout that takes several layers of muscle involvement.
I understand that you do not have livestock in our apartment. Again, I have thought of a solution. That overstuffed chair by the TV will do just fine. You will also need a rope of some sort. You could use the colorful rope you purchased six years ago when you thought you would be a rock climber. If you don’t have that, I suggest you collect extension cords. Tie all the extension cords you have (hopefully 3 or 4) around your overstuffed reclining chair. Kick the foot rest out if you need a place to tie on. Now face the foot rest while holding the cords in your hand and back away until the chords are stretched tight. Pull/drag the chair across the room until it rests beside you. Turn the chair 180 degrees, back across the room, and begin again. You may yell at the chair if you find it helpful. To take this exercise to a new level you can drag the chair to the front door, wrestle the chair through the door and back in, and then drag back to its original spot. Like before - begin this activity at sunrise and continue until you can no longer stand. Continue for three weeks, at which time you are ready to begin a circuit of all three exercises. Remember to drink water.
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